Advanced Image-Based Measurement Methods:
Recent Developments and Applications in Engineering and Medecine
October 5-7, 2009
The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. will hold the 2009 SEM Fall Symposium and Workshop, October 5-7 at the
This international event will feature a series of invited presentations and papers describing the current state of the art in image-based measurement methods, as well as a number of contributed papers and posters, which will be submitted in response to the Call for Papers. The Workshop is expected to have a Gordon-conference flavor, with single track sessions, informal panel discussions and an open atmosphere encouraging discussions throughout the presentation process that are conducive to a broad exchange of ideas. General panel discussions will be included at specific junctures to summarize progress and offer all participants an opportunity to comment. The formal conference is expected to include participants and presenters from national laboratories, government agencies, industry and academia, with representation from
At the close of the conference, interested attendees will have the opportunity to work with current, state of the art equipment and image processing software to make quantitative measurements using
(a) standard cameras,
(b) microscopic vision systems and
(c) high speed cameras.
To provide an open forum for discussions regarding recent developments and the state-of-the-art in vision based measurement methods for shape,deformation and motion measurements, while simultaneously encouraging future collaboration between government, industry and academia in the area of non-contacting, image based measurements and related areas, potential contributors are encouraged to submit an abstract. It is important to note that contributions in all areas, especially as they relate to quantitative measurements, are welcome. Areas that the conference is expected to highlight, but will not be limited to, are the following:
l High speed imaging and applications
l Multi-sensory measurement systems
l Temperature and deformation
l Volumetric image registration and applications
l Microscale imaging and applications
l CT Scanning Optical Confocal Imaging Microscopy, AFM and SEM
l Multi-camera vision systems and applications Image distortions
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