由国际力学联盟(IUTAM)和意大利国际力学中心(CISM)组织暑期学校将于2014年6月23至27日在意大利乌迪内举办,该暑期学校主题为“Multiscale Mechanobiology of Bone Remodeling and Adaptation”,现已开放注册,可在CISM网站(http://www.cism.it/courses/C1406/)上获得更多信息。
CISM-IUTAM Summer School on "Multiscale Mechanobiology of Bone Remodeling and Adaptation"相关学术邀请报告包括:
l Taiji Adachi (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
5 lectures on: Mechanobiology of osteocytes; Image-based 3D micro-FE models and their biomedical application; Mechanical regulation of actin cytoskeletal dynamics in silico and in vitro.
l Justin Fernandez (The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zeland)
5 lectures on: Modelling of human muscle and bone interactions during physical activity; musculoskeletal modelling using OpenSim combined with FE modelling using CMISS developed by ABI, CellML bone models.
l David Findlay (The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia)
5 lectures on: Interaction of bone tissue with other tissues including muscle, cartilage, vascularisation, and central nervous system (CNS). Clinical aspects of bone together with therapeutic interventions will be discussed.
l Christian Hellmich (Inst. for Mechanics of Materials & Structures, Wien, Austria)
5 lectures on: Bone quality assessment at different scales using experimental and computational approaches; basics of continuum micromechanics with application to bone; multiscale mechanics of tissue engineering scaffolds; merging Computer Tomography with micromechanics as a new clinical tool.
l Peter Pivonka (The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
6 lectures on: Mathematical description of bone cell interactions including biochemical and mechanobiological regulatory pathways; Micro/meso- to macroscale models using both continuous and discrete model formulations; links to Frost's mechanostat theory.
l Tim Skerry (The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, Great Britain)
5 lectures on: Bone cell biology including morphological features and function. Frost's mechanostat theory; animal models of bone mechanobiology; osteocytes and their role as mechano-sensing cells, biology of bone fracture healing.
点击下载CISM-IUTAM Summer School on "Multiscale Mechanobiology of Bone Remodeling and Adaptation"的宣传折页和注册表
86 10 6255 9588
86 10 6255 9588
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