The scaling of structure functions in turbulenceis discussed. The scaling exponents of structure functionsobserved in experiments and numerical simulations areanomalous. This fact was interpreted by many authors as aclear evidence against Kolmogorov 1941 (K41) theory. It isconcluded that the inertial-range scaling in isotropicturbulence is anomalous. Recently we published papers todemonstrate a different point of view on the inertial-rangescaling. The scaling exponents observed in turbulence with afinite Reynolds number, is not the same as the inertial-rangescaling exponents, due to the finite Reynolds number effects.While the finite Reynolds number effects are considered, theanomalous scaling exponents obtained in experiments ornumerical simulations are not inconsistent to K41 normalscaling. The inertial-range scaling in isotropic turbulencemay be normal. This result should have important consequencein the field of turbulence, since the fact of the inertial-rangescaling being normal or anomalous implies completely differentunderstanding of the physics of turbulence.