Submission Guide

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Release Date: 2021-06-15 Visited: 

1. Writing requirements

The article of "Advances in Mechanics" includes: title, author, work institution, city and postal code, abstract (about 300 words), keywords (3~8), Chinese Library Classification number, introduction, main text, references (Unpublished works should not be listed), the introduction of the corresponding author, E-mail, and the funded project and number of the paper. Please attach the English translation of title, author's name (in Chinese pinyin spelling), work institution, introduction, abstract, keywords and the funded project. The content of the article should be clear, informative, well-documented, well-organized, fluent in writing, and not involving state secrets. Secret-related units must submit a de-secret declaration. Specific requirements are as follows:

(1) Please carefully write an abstract in both Chinese and English. The abstract should include: the importance of the topic, the main content of the article, the views raised, existing problems, solutions and prospects.

(2) When citing the research results of others (including officially published figures and tables), please obtain the publisher's permission or indicate the source in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law.

(3) The manuscript shall adopt the international system of units(SI), the quantities and unit symbols used are subject to the national standard, and the scientific and technological terms are subject to the official publication of the state.

(4) The figures used in the manuscripts should be concise and clear, and a large number of repeated quotations should be avoided as much as possible. The necessary citations should ensure that the clarity of the figures meets the requirements of publication. The picture resolution should reach or exceed 300 dpi, and the size should not be too large (within 8 cm×5 cm).

(5) The physical meaning of non-general physical symbols in the manuscript should be given when they appear for the first time, and abbreviations should be noted when they appear for the first time in the text.

(6) References should be public publications and adopt the internationally accepted "author-publishing year ". At the same time, in order to facilitate retrieval at home and abroad, the Chinese references in the list must be translated into English. The references citation mark in the main text can be used as a component of the sentence, or it can be placed in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Refer to the paper template for indexing examples.

2. Manuscript processing program

(1)Please submit your paper through the remote submission system at The manuscript can be in DOC or PDF format. Please fill in the detailed address, zip code, telephone and e-mail address of all authors. After successful submission, the submission system will automatically send you a confirmation e-mail.  You can check the status of the manuscript through author online search on the main page of the journal website.  

(2) The manuscript will be reviewed by peer experts or editorial board after being approved by the editorial office. After the review, the editorial office will process the manuscript according to the review opinion, and the editorial office will notify you of the review result by e-mail.  

(3) After the author receives the review comments, he/she should revise it one by one according to the comments, and log in to the author to check the manuscript online within the specified time, upload the revised manuscript and the modification explanation, or send it directly to the editorial office by e-mail.

(4) After the manuscript is accepted, the author must upload the copyright transfer agreement of the manuscript to the editorial office online, and the editorial office will arrange the publication of the manuscript. During the period, the editorial office will edit and proofread the manuscript. Before the manuscript is officially published, proofs and proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading. Please check your e-mail.

(5) If you encounter any problems during the processing of the manuscript, please contact the editorial office (

3. Accepted and copyright

(1) From the date of receipt of the manuscript, the editorial office will notify the author of the processing result within 3 months. If the acceptance or rejection notice is not received for more than half a year, the author has the right to deal with it separately, but the editorial office needs to be notified.

(2) After the manuscript is reviewed and decided to be accepted, it shall be revised according to the requirements of the editorial office, and the editorial office has the right to delete and correct the text of the manuscript. Once the accepted manuscript is published, the author shall bear the responsibility for the work. The editorial Department shall transfer the right of reproduction, distribution, compilation, translation and information network transmission of the paper within the term of copyright protection, and the editorial Department shall have the right to transfer the aforesaid rights to a third party.

(3) The papers in this journal are open for download to all members of the Chinese Society of Mechanics. This journal has been included in full-text databases such as "Chinese Academic Journals (CD-ROM edition)" and CNKI. Once accepted, it is deemed that the author agrees to the article being included. If the author disagrees, please inform us in time, and we will deal with it appropriately. The author's article copyright usage fee and the journal's manuscript remuneration are paid in a lump sum.

(4) Our journal charges a publication fee for the accepted manuscripts. The charging standard is: 400 yuan per page for black and white printing, 1,000 yuan per page for color printing, and 1 page = 4 consecutive printed pages.

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Release Date: 2021-06-15 Visited: 