
Quantum Mechanics From Analog To See The Establishment Of The Innovative Thinking Role

  • 摘要: 通过对量子力学创建过程,特别是对德布罗意、薛定谔、狄拉克、玻恩等物理学家在量子力学的建立与完善过程中运用类比形式的研究方法的分析和研究,阐述了类比思维在科学创新中的重大作用. 发挥类比思维的现代教育价值,把这种创新思维形式移植到教学中来将会对培养创新型人才产生积极的影响.


    Abstract: Analog of human thinking, which is an important way of thinking of innovation in scientific research, is widely used. Through the process of creating quantum mechanics, especially for de Broglie, Schrodinger, Dirac, such as physicist Born in quantum mechanics process of the establishment and perfection of the form, they used analog methods of analysis and research on analog thinking in the scientific innovation in a significant role. To play analog thinking modern educational value to this form of transplantation to innovative thinking in the classroom teaching will be cultivate innovative talents to have a positive impact.


