
Drawing Internal Force Curves of Three-Hinged Arches by Excel

  • 摘要: Microsoft Excel软件有较强的数据计算能力和图表功能, 利用软件的内置函数, 设置公式计算三铰拱每一截面的内力, 并应用其图表功能, 绘制三铰拱的内力图. 用Excel软件完成三铰拱繁琐的内力计算, 准确、快捷地绘制其内力图, 有助于三铰拱的教学, 并提高学生学习三铰拱的兴趣.


    Abstract: Microsoft Excel is an ordinary office software which has powerful data processing and chart functions. The internal forces for every section of three-hinged arches are computed by setting Excel formula and internal functions. And the internal force curves of three-hinged arches are drawn by use of the Excel charts. It is useful for three-hinged arches teaching and increasing students’ interests to learn three-hinged arches to implement the complex three-hinged arch internal force computations, and draw the internal force curves accurately and quickly by use of Excel.


