
Mechanical problems cannot be ignored in the turning while driving.

  • 摘要: 旨在对驾驶员进行安全行车教育,避免汽车转弯时出现爆胎、翻车、漂移、“推头”、甩尾等事故苗头. 通过在研究过程中,利用实车在转弯、坡道、冰雪等复杂路面上反复演练,发现:弯中强力制动会导致爆胎、翻车、漂移;弯中猛踩油门会导致“推头”、甩尾. 并提出预防措施.


    Abstract: This paper aims to conduct traffic safety education for drivers to avoid the car tire exploding, rolling over, drifting, "pushing head ", oversteering etc. signs of accidents when cornering. In the course of the study, to discover the laws, use real cars to do exercise in turn, ramp, snow and ice etc. complex road, repeatedly is needed. The law is concluded as followed, heavy brake in the corner will cause a tire blow up, or the car roll over, drift. Pedal to the accelerator in the corner will cause a car "push head" or oversteer. Stress analysis by multi-angle graphic solution method, and the method of displaying the visual image make it easier for novice to understand.


