
Chaotic vibration analysis of a hysteretic system of rc structures with clearance crack

  • 摘要: 研究了含间隙裂缝的钢筋混凝土结构对称滞回非线性问题. 建立了一种分段线性的对称滞回模型, 利用一次谐波线性方法求解结构系统的等效阻尼和等效刚度系数,得到了对称滞回非线性系统的等价线性方程. 通过数值分析比较了考虑和不考虑间隙与碰撞影响的两种情况下系统的混沌动力特性,研究表明: 不考虑间隙与碰撞影响的系统出现周期运动, 考虑间隙与碰撞影响系统更容易出现混沌运动; 在特定的参数范围内系统一定会出现无序的混沌运动.


    Abstract: The symmetrical hysteretic nonlinearity system of RCstructures with clearance crack is studied with a piecewise linearsymmetrical hysteretic model. With the equivalent linearizaionapproximate method, the equivalent damping and stiffnesscoefficients are calculated, and the equivalent linearizaion dynamicresponse of symmetrical hysteretic system is obtained. Comparisons aremade between chaotic dynamic characteristics ofchaotic vibro-impact systems with and without clearance crack. The resultsshow that vibro-impact system without clearance crack is in a periodic motion;however, vibro-impact system with clearance crack is often in achaotic motion, and with parameters in a particular range, the system is definitely indisorderly chaotic motion.


