
Extending method in conceptual mechanics analysis

  • 摘要: 在概念力学分析基本方法如动因素法、主响应法和极端形态界定法等基础上发展了延拓分析的方法, 亦即以分析对象的一个概念力学基本分析模型为出发点, 通过不断延拓的分析过程来达到解决一系列具有工程实际意义问题的目的. 给出了管道有暖流通过时管壁的内力与变形分析和多层框架在均匀温降或楼面载荷作用下的弯矩分析等两个实际分析案例. 揭示了如何在延拓分析过程中结合运用概念力学分析的其他基本方法以取得突破, 并进而确定结构受力响应基本形态的过程.


    Abstract: Extending method is developed after some previous methods for conceptual mechanics analysis, such as arousing factor method, major response method and extremely bounding method. The extending analysis process can be stated from a basic model for conceptual mechanics analysis and a series of problems with practical significance in engineering can be treated in the process. Conceptual analyses for two examples, bending moment and deformation analyses for pipes subjected to internal temperature increase and bending moment analyses for multi-stories frames subjected to uniform temperature decrease or floor loads, are performed using the extending process. Beside, extending method can be used in combination with the other basic conceptual analysis methods to surmount analysis difficulties, and further to define the basic response form of a loaded structure.


