
  • 摘要: 从砌体细观结构出发,提出了用于砌体复合剪压受力过程模拟的细观力学模型. 该模型假定砌体是由砂浆、块体及两者之间的粘结带组成的三相复合材料,以此为基础对砌体三相组成的非均匀性予以表征. 提出了基于弹性损伤力学的本构关系,以最大拉应力准则和摩尔库仑准则作为损伤发生的阈值,并借助复合材料破坏过程分析(MFPA)程序进行受力分析. 结果表明,所采用的数值模型和模拟方法能够较好地模拟砌体复合剪压受力破坏过程,为砌体开裂过程的机理分析提供了一种新的数值方法.


    Abstract: A mesoscopic mechanics model for masonry structures is established based on elastic damagemechanics and the tests of masonry structures under shear-compression loading.In the model, it is assumed that the masonry structure consists of matrix,aggregates and interfaces between them. The inhomogeneity of themasonry structure is characterized. The constitutive equation based on elasticdamage mechanics is put forward, using the max tensile-strain criterion andMohr-Coulomb criterion as the damage threshold. At the same time, a stress analysisis carried out, using the Material Failure Process Analysis (MFPA^\rm 2D). Theresults show that the numerical model and the stimulation method can wellstimulate the failure process of the mansonry structure under shear-compressionloading.


