
  • 摘要: 记入材料性能参数随温度的变化,导出了横向力作用下圆薄板轴对称大挠度弯曲的位移型控制方程,并利用伽辽金方法求出了圆薄板大挠度弯曲的近似位移解;针对一个简例进行了理论计算和有限元数值模拟,二者结果一致. 在此基础上分析了圆薄板大挠度弯曲的规律及材料参数随温度变化的热软化效应,给出了相关结果.


    Abstract: The uncoupled governing equations in termsof radial displacement u and lateral displacement w for elasticcircular plate with temperature-dependent properties subjected to combinedheat and lateral force under large deflections are derived by use ofBerger approximation. Thegeneral series expressions of variables u and w are obtained by Galerkinapproximation. As an example, the deflections of a plate heated and compresseduniformly on its surfaces are calculated. The result of this present theoryand that of the finite element numerical simulation are compared, andthey are in good agreement. The bifurcation line of nonlinear deformationof the plate vs. temperature change and lateral force is obtained. Theeffect of temperature dependence of material's Young's modulus E ondeformation of the plate heated and compressed is discussed, and thegeometric nonlinear effect is found to be more significant than thetemperature-dependent effect with respect to material's properties.


