Citation: | Li Liang, Liu Bingrui, Zhang Runhui, et al. Numerical simulation of cylindrical particles motion in inclined pipeline. Mechanics in Engineering, 2022, 44(5): 1172-1178. DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-22-216 |
In this paper, the movement of cylindrical particles in inclined pipeline is numerically simulated with computational fluid dynamics–discrete element method (CFD–DEM). The effects of particle density, particle length diameter ratio, suction velocity, pipe inclination and pipe length diameter ratio on the particle transportation efficiency are investigated. The results showed that the higher the particle density is, the lower the transportation efficiency is. The overall transportation efficiency decreases with the increase of the aspect ratio. Additionally, the increase of suction speed is beneficial to improve the particle suction efficiency. Meanwhile, the pipeline aspect ratio has an effect on the efficiency, but the relationship between them is not monotonic. The transportation efficiency is inversely proportional to the pipeline aspect ratio.
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