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  • 摘要: 常导磁吸型(EMS)磁悬浮列车在悬浮控制中的每个环节,时滞是不可避免的,当时滞超过一定程度后,系统有可能失稳.本文针对EMS磁浮列车控制环节的临界时滞与车辆参数(如运行速度、反馈控制增益、导轨参数和悬挂参数)的关系开展研究.建立了磁浮车辆/导轨耦合动力学模型,车辆包含1节车辆和4个磁浮架,考虑车辆的10个自由度,每个磁浮架上包含4个悬浮电磁铁.导轨模拟为一系列简支Bernoulli-Euler梁,采用模态叠加法对导轨振动方程进行求解.采用传统线性电磁力模型实现车辆和轨道的耦合.采用比例-微分控制算法对电磁铁电流进行反馈控制,实现车辆稳定悬浮,并假设时滞均发生在控制环节,且只考虑间隙反馈控制环节的时滞.采用四阶龙格库塔法对耦合系统动力学方程进行求解,编写了数值仿真程序,计算得到车辆导轨耦合系统在考虑间隙反馈控制时滞时的响应.将系统运动发散时的时滞大小视为临界时滞,开展了参数规律影响分析.通过分析,给出了提高时滞条件下车辆稳定性的方法,包括增大导轨的弯曲刚度和阻尼比,减小间隙反馈控制增益并增大速度反馈控制增益,以及增大二系悬挂阻尼.


    Abstract: Because of the inherent instability, EMS maglev train requires the application of active control to achieve a stable suspension. In every suspension control loop, there is inevitable time-delay, which may affect the performance of the system. When the time-delay exceeds a critical value, the maglev train will become unstable. Previous studies have proved the existence of the critical time-delay. The relationship between critical time delay in control loop and vehicle parameters (including vehicle speed, position feedback control gains, guideway parameters, and suspension parameters) is studied in this paper. A dynamic model of a maglev vehicle/guideway coupling system is established. The 10 DOF vehicle includes a carbody and four maglev frames. Each maglev frame contains four electromagnets. The guideway is modelled as a series of continuous simply supported Bernoulli-Euler beams. The vibration equation of the guideway is obtained by a modal superposition method. In order to achieve vehicle/guideway coupling, a conventional electromagnetic force model which is linearized in the neighborhood of stable suspension position is adopted. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is used to obtain the dynamic response of the vehicle/guideway coupling system. A proportional derivative (PD) control algorithm is used for the feedback control of the electromagnet current. To facilitate the analysis, this paper assumes that all the time-delay occurs in the control loop, and that only the position feedback control loop exists. In order to analyze the motion property when critical delay occurs, we write a simulation program. Using the program, the dynamic responses of maglev vehicle considering different position feedback control delay are calculated. The delay value which results in motion divergence is defined as critical time-delay. Based on the calculations and analysis, following suggestions to promote the stability and weaken the effect of time-delay in position feedback control loop are provided: Enlarge bending rigidity and damping ratio of the guideway; Reduce position feedback control gain; Enlarge velocity feedback control gain; Enlarge second suspension damping. In addition, in view of that the critical time-delay of a stationary vehicle is always smaller than that of a running vehicle, hence, the critical time-delay of stationary vehicle shall be considered as safety limit value.


