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An experimental investigation into the complex electromechanical behavior of PZT53

  • 摘要: 通过实验研究了平行和垂直于极化方向的正应力对铁电陶瓷锆钛酸铅(PZT53)的电滞回线(E3-P3)和电致应变曲线(E-ε)的影响. 实验发现平行于极化方向的压应力对PZT53陶瓷的电滞回线、电致应变曲线形状以及矫顽场大小都有明显的影响,但是垂直于极化方向的拉、压应力只对PZT53陶瓷的电致应变曲线形状有明显的影响,但对电滞回线形状和矫顽场大小都没有显著影响. 采用畴翻转的模型详细解释了观察到的实验现象,所得结果为建立铁电陶瓷的多轴力、电耦合本构模型,提供了物理基础.


    Abstract: The electric field-strain and electric field- electric displacement responses of thePZT53 with a constant compressive or tensile pre-stress with perpendicular or parallel to thepoling direction have been investigated experimentally in this paper. Obtained results show thatthe pre-stress when applied along the poling direction has a significant effect on electromechanicalbehavior of PZT53 (e.g., the electric hysteresis loops and the butterfly loops) whilst the pre-stressin a direction transverse to the poling direction has negligible effect on the electric hysteresisloops and coercive electric field. The concept of two successive non-1800 domain switching isused to explain the observed experimental phenomenon. Obtained results shed insightful light intothe multi-axial constitutive modeling of the electromechanical behavior of ferroelectric ceramics.


