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Rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a flexible beam with three-dimensional

  • 摘要: 研究带中心刚体的作大范围空间运动梁的刚-柔耦合动力学问题. 从精确的应变-位移关系式出发,在动力学变分方程中, 考虑了横截面转动的惯性力偶和与扭转变形有关的弹性力的虚功率,用速度变分原理建立了考虑几何非线性的空间梁的刚-柔耦合动力学方程,用有限元法进行离散. 通过对空间梁系统的数值仿真研究扭转变形和截面转动惯量对系统动力学性态的影响.


    Abstract: In this paper, the modeling theory of rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of aflexible beam with three-dimensional large overall motion is studied. Basedon the precise strain-displacement relation, the rigid-flexible coupling dynamicequations are derived using the velocity variational principle, in which thevirtual power of the torsion force and the inertial torque of the beamelement are included and the geometric nonlinearity is taken into account.Finite element method is employed for discretization. Simulation of aspatial beam system is used to show the influence of torsion and crosssection rotary inertia on the dynamic performance of the system.Conservation of energy in case of free motion is shown to verify the proposed nonlinear model. It is shown that the torsiondeformation influences not only the axial angular velocity of the hub,but also the lateral angular velocity of the hub and the bendingdeformation of the beam.


