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Numerical Investigation on Shock-Induced Gaseous Detonation in a Straight Duct with Multi-Obstacles

  • 摘要: 应用数值模拟方法,研究了直通道中激波经过多块矩形障碍物时诱导H2/O2混合气体起爆的物理机制. 研究表明:在前导激波强度不足以诱导波后气体直接起爆的条件下,经过激波压缩的可燃气体也可能在远离激波的障碍物之间的凹槽部位起爆;障碍物表面产生的压缩波、膨胀波和气流滑移面对可燃气体的起爆、爆轰波的形成和传播过程有重要的影响;添加不同稀释比的氮气可以影响爆轰波后流场的温度分布;增加障碍物的间距可以改变可燃气起爆位置.


    Abstract: Numerical simulation was carried out to investigate into shock-induced detonation initiation of the premixed H2/O2/N2 gas mixture in a duct with multi rectangular-shaped obstacles. Numerical results show that even if incident shock is not strong enough to induce the direct initiation of combustible gas mixture behind the shock front, the onset of detonation may take place in the cavity between obstacles where is far behind the shock front. Compression wave, expansion wave and shear layer generated from the surface of obstacles play important roles on chemical reaction that triggers the DDT process of detonation. Increasing N2 dilution of combustible gas mixture will influence the profile of wall temperature behind detonation wave and varying the distance between obstacles will results in the changes in the position of detonation initiation.Key words:Detonation initiation, multi-obstacle, cavities in wall


