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Remarks on the ambiguity in multiple scales method

  • 摘要: 多尺度法是为解决含小参数系统发展起来的应用最广泛的摄动法之一. 在求解高阶近似方程时,多尺度法一般只求特解. 用多尺度法求解van der Pol 方程的三阶解时将出现矛盾. 以van der Pol方程为例,证明了忽略一阶修正量中的一阶谐波项使得混合偏导数不能交换顺序,从而导致了多尺度法的二义性和另一个数学矛盾.在求解一阶修正量时采用含有一阶谐波项的全解,消除了二义性和该矛盾. 该方法所求得的近似解与数值解进行了比较,结果非常吻合,验证了其合理性.


    Abstract: The method of multiple scales (MMS), developed forsystems with small non-linearities, is one of the most widely usedperturbation methods. Only particular solutions are sought for the higherorder approximate equations by using the ordinary MMS. An observation ismade inthis paper that the MMS works well only for the approximate solutions ofthe first two orders, while gives rise to a paradox in obtaining the thirdorder approximate solution of van der Pol equation. Taking the famous vander Pol equation as an illustrative example, it is proven that neglectingthe first order harmonic of the first order approximate solution may make the derivative sequence of the second order mixed partial derivativenot commutable. This leads to the ambiguity of the MMS and anothermathematical paradox. Unlike the ordinary MMS, the general solutioncontaining the first harmonic is adopted for the first order approximateequation, and then the ambiguity and the paradox are both eliminated. Theapproximate solutions are obtained by the proposed method and compared withthe numerical solutions. It is shown that the present technique is valid.


