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Numerical inversion of Laplace transfors in viscoelastic problems by Fourier series expansion

  • 摘要: 研究了基于Fourier级数展开的Laplace数值逆变换在黏弹性力学问题中的有效应用,这类方法的关键涉及计算参数的选择. 构造了优化模型,对计算参数寻优,以黏弹性层合圆柱薄壳在轴压下的准静态变形以及受突加内压黏弹性圆筒在平面应变条件下的动应力响应为例阐述方法的应用. 结果表明:通过优化模型能有效地确定计算参数;且当反演参数与计算时间的乘积在一定范围内时,Fourier级数展开法均能给出一致的结果,由此,可按与计算时间成反比的关系来确定反演算法中的参数.


    Abstract: In this paper, the effective application of numericalinversion of Laplace transforms, based on Fourier series expansionsdeveloped by Dubner, Abate and Durbin, is studied for problems ofviscoelastic mechanics. A crucial free parameter is involved in this sort ofmethod and required to be reasonably valued for particular application inadvance since its improper choice leads to obvious errors. An optimal modelto determine the free parameter is constructed in the paper and itsapplicability is validated by the numerical inversion of two types of simplefunctions. As examples to illustrate the practical implementation ofproposed method, the quasi-static and dynamic analysis, within the scope ofaxisymmetric problem, are performed for viscoelastic laminated circularcylindrical shells under uniformly axial pressure and viscoelastic cylindersubjected to inner pressure with abrupt loading respectively. Numericalexperiments show that the optimal model yields valid free parameter, and theproduction of free parameter and calculation time t lies in a definite range.Also it is concluded that the free parameter can be set to be inverselyproportional to t with the proportional coefficient chosen among an effectiverange or determined directly by the result from optimal model for specificcalculation time, and the range of this proportional coefficient isconsidered to be irrelevant to parameter T.


