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Analysis of long-range ultra-low flight trajectory

  • 摘要: 研究了一种新的远程导弹飞行轨道的可行性,它的最大飞行高度约100km. 这种超低弹道,借鉴卫星模式,利用离心力抵抗重力. 与卫星轨道运行不同的是,超低弹道周围的稀薄空气影响至关重要,必须考虑. 计算和分析结果表明,在相同载荷条件和射程条件下,超低弹道和经典的最小能量弹道对于火箭动力的需求大致相当,射程10000km以上基本相同.头部半径为5cm的轴对称外形,沿超低弹道飞行时,其驻点热流在高度26km左右达到最大值50MW/m2, 约为最小能量弹道驻点热流最大值的50%. 由于超低弹道对升力没有要求,飞行过程中的气动加热问题,沿用成熟方法如烧蚀防热即可解决. 总体而言,超低弹道对于火箭动力与外形气动力/热要求,现有技术容易满足,因此利用它增强远程导弹的突防能力是现实可能的.


    Abstract: An ultra-low, long-range flight trajectory with themaximum altitude of about 100km is investigated. Such an ultra-lowtrajectory employs the satellite mode against the gravitation by thecentrifugal force. Different from a running satellite, the rarefied gaseffects on the ultra-low trajectory are essentially important. It is shownthat under the same payload and range, the power requirements of theultra-low trajectory and classic minimum energy trajectory are almostthe same. For anaxial symmetric configuration with the nose radius of 5cm, its stagnationheat flux along an ultra-low trajectory arrives at a maximum value of50MW/m2 around altitude 25km, which is about half of the maximumstagnation heat flux along a minimum energy trajectory. The aerodynamicheating along an ultra-low trajectory can be solved using conventionalmature techniques such as ablation, because it does not require lift. Ingeneral, the power and aerodynamic requirements of ultra-low flighttrajectories can be satisfied based on existing technologies, and thereforeit is realistic to promote the anti-defense ability of long-range missilesby taking the ultra-low flight trajectory.


