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The quasi-periodic behavior in the chaotic movement of the generalized Chau's circuit with periodic excitation

  • 摘要: 由于广义蔡氏电路存在2个对称的稳定平衡点,周期激励可能导致系统出现相应于不同初值的2种共存的分岔模式. 概周期解由环面破裂进入混沌,混沌吸引子从相位不同步逐渐演化为同步,并进一步随着参数的变化,产生分裂现象. 分裂后的2个相互对称的混沌吸引子仍存在相位同步效应,这2个混沌吸引子再次相互作用后形成扩大了的混沌吸引子,并交替围绕2个子混沌结构来回振荡. 同时,在混沌过程中,其轨迹在相当长的一段时间内严格按照概周期行为振荡,即混沌结构中存在局部概周期行为,这种局部概周期行为随参数的变化会逐步减弱,直至消失.


    Abstract: Chaotic circuits can be established conveniently, whichcan be used for chaotic synchronization and chaotic control as well as theimitation of secret communication. The dynamics behavior of chaotic circuitshas been one of the key topics. Up to now, most of the results obtainedfocus on the nonlinear autonomous circuits. However, a lot of nonautonomousfactors such as the electric power source with alternation property mayexist in many real circuits, while few works for such systems can be found.To reveal the dynamics details, it is necessary to investigate the influenceof the nonautonomous terms on the behavior of the dynamics evolution of thecircuits. Based on a fourth-order Chua's circuit, dynamics of the model withperiod-exciting has been explored. Since the coexistence of two symmetricstable equilibrium points in the generalized Chua's circuit, periodicexcitation may lead to two coexisted bifurcation patterns corresponding ofdifferent initial conditions. Chaos can be observed via the break-up of thetorus corresponding quasi-periodic solution, which may evolve fromnon-synchronized state of phase to synchronization. With the variation ofparameters, the chaotic attractor may split into two chaotic attractorssymmetric to each other, which still keep the phase synchronization. Anenlarged chaotic attractor can be observed after the interaction between thetwo symmetric chaotic attractors, which visits the original two chaoticattractors in turn with obvious rhythm. Meanwhile, for every certain timeinterval, the trajectory of the chaos oscillates quasi-periodically forrelatively long time, called as quasi-periodic behavior in chaos. This typeof phenomenon may weaken gradually and finally disappear.


