In this paper, a rotor-ball baring-stator couplingdynamic model for whole aero-engine vibration is established. The maincharacteristics of the new model are as follows: 1) the coupling effectbetween rotor, ball bearing and stator is considered fully; 2) the flexiblesupport and the squeeze film damper (SFD) are considered; 3) the rotor isconsidered as Equisection Euler Free Beam model, and its vibration isanalyzed through cutting limited modes; 4) nonlinear factors of ball bearingare modeled, such as the clearance of bearing, nonlinear Hertzian contractforce, and the varying compliance; 5) rubbing fault between rotor and statoris considered. In this paper, the numerical integral method is employed toobtain system's responses, and the whole aero-engine vibrationcharacteristics are studied. Research topics are investigated, such as ballbearing VC vibration analysis, effect of elastic support stiffness on thesystem critical speeds, effect of cutting modes number on system responses,sudden-adding imbalance transient response simulation, and rotor-statorrubbing fault characteristics analysis.