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Energy saving mechanism of ``channeling effect'' in fish school swimming

  • 摘要: 为了揭示鱼群游动中的节能机制, 将自适应网格投影法和浸没边界法进行有机结合,研究了3条鱼组成的鱼群基本单位的自主游动. 为了使鱼群在游动过程中沿直线游动,利用仿生鱼的头部摆动进行了方向控制. 通过研究3条鱼组成的鱼群基本单位发现,当中间的鱼落后于前面2条鱼时, 能够以较低的摆频与前面2条鱼保持相同的速度前进, 即从前面2条鱼的尾涡中吸收了能量, 达到了节能的效果. 当中间的鱼落后大约0.4个身长时游动最省力, 其摆频仅为前面2条鱼的54%, ``槽道效应''的节能效果最明显.


    Abstract: To reveal the energy saving mechanism in fish schoolswimming, numerical simulation of the basic unit of fish school with threefish is presented. An adaptive mesh projection method is used to solve the2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and the moving boundaries handledwith the immersed boundary method. The direction of swimming is controlledby the oscillating of fish head. The results show that three fish are ableto swim with the same speed and different frequencies. When the middle fishfalls behind about 0.4 times of body length, its swimming frequency is only54% of that of the other two fish, to demonstrate that the ``channelingeffect'' is remarkable. Therefore, to save energy, the fish in shoal shouldbe arrayed closely.


