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On vortex induced vibration in two-degree-of-freedoms of flexible cylinders

  • 摘要: 基于模型试验研究了柔性圆柱体两自由度涡激振动问题, 研究了顺流向涡激振动和横向涡激振动的频率与振幅关系, 提出了考虑流固耦合的两自由度涡激振动非线性分析模型. 研究表明, 在不同的流速(雷诺数)范围, 柔性圆柱体顺流向涡激振动与横向涡激振动的频率比和幅值比是不同的; 在非锁定区, 圆柱体的顺流向振动频率与横向振动频率相同, 在锁定区, 圆柱体的顺流向振动频率是横向振动频率的两倍; 在非锁定区, 顺流向振幅与横向振幅比约为1, 而在锁定区, 顺流向振幅与横向振幅比约为1/3~2/3.


    Abstract: In-line and cross-flow vortex-induced vibration (VIV) offlexible cylinders is studied based on the VIV experiment. The relationshipof two-degree-of-freedom of vortex-induced vibration of flexible cylindersis also investigated. A nonlinear model, with fluid-structure interaction,of two-degree-of-freedom VIV of flexible cylinders is then proposed. It isshown that the ratio of the frequencies and amplitudes of in-line and crossflow VIV of the cylinders changes with current velocity/Reynolds number. Theratio of the VIV frequencies is 1.0 beyond the lock in district and 2.0within the lock in district, respectively. And the ratio of the VIVamplitudes is 1.0 beyond the lock in district and 1/3 to 2/3 within the lockin district.


