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Professor Qian Xuesen’s review comment and its implications for Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

  • 摘要: 本文首次发布钱学森主编1961年给《力学学报》的一份审稿意见,认真解读了钱先生的办刊方针,学术论文评审的基本理念,以及对期刊编辑工作的严格要求.本文还介绍了钱先生审稿意见的时代背景及其产生的效果和影响.作者希望通过回顾这一历史真实过往,重温钱先生针对《力学学报》所提出的办刊思想和推动力学发展的科学精神,回顾《力学学报》发展的传承之路,期望能在新时代的科技期刊办刊实践中,弘扬光大,踏踏实实,走出具有力学特色的办刊之路.


    Abstract: This article for the first time publishes a journal review opinion given by the editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CJTAM), Professor Qian Xuesen in 1961. It carefully interprets Professor Qian's guiding principle for running the journal and reviewing academic papers, as well as his high standards for journal publication. This article also introduces the historical background of Professor Qian’s review comment and its effect and influence. The author hopes that by reviewing this historical past we can revisit Professor Qian’s scientific spirit for running scientific journal and for promoting theoretical mechanics. The author is motivated to promote the legacy of CJTAM and developing unique journal features in the practice of running scientific and technological journals in the new era.


